Electric Consumers Encouraged to Conserve Energy

On Monday, July 18, Pioneer Electric was notified that Southwest Power Pool’s (SPP) grid conditions had evolved to a “Conservative Operations Advisory.” The advisory, issued as a response to persistent high temperatures and reduced wind generation across the SPP’s 14-state region, is expected to last until 10 p.m. on Thursday, July 21.

Pioneer Electric encourages members to consider energy conservation methods as grid conditions continue to evolve.

“Conserving energy, regardless of weather conditions, is always a good idea,” said Anita Wendt, Pioneer Electric’s vice president of energy services. “Taking small steps towards conservation may help reduce your summer energy bill. During these hot days, we would encourage members to look around their homes – unplug electronics and cords that are not being used, remember to turn off lights and consider saving chores that require large appliances, like laundry and dishes, for times outside of the peak energy use hours between 12 p.m. and 8 p.m.”

Members are not currently being asked to conserve to preserve regional grid operations. Load shed events may occur at an Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 3, when curtailment is required by the SPP. In the event of a load shed event or rolling outage, Pioneer Electric does not determine location or duration of the outage.

Members with questions may contact Pioneer Electric’s office during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) by calling 620-356-1211. Additional information regarding grid conditions and energy conservation can be found on the Cooperative’s website and Facebook pages.

Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. is dedicated to providing members with safe and reliable electric service. Headquartered in Ulysses, Kansas, Pioneer Electric is a distribution cooperative owned and controlled by its members. Pioneer Electric serves approximately 15,900 retail electric meters across 10 counties in southwestern Kansas. The system is made up of more than 117 miles of transmission line, 3,600 miles of distribution line and 21 substations. All of Pioneer Electric’s electricity is procured by Sunflower Electric Power Corporation, which is owned by Pioneer Electric and five other Kansas electric co-ops. Pioneer Electric is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.