The Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“Pioneer”) Board of Trustees has reviewed and authorized management to present the following adjustment to the current Large Power and Large Power-Time-of-Use tariffs.
The proposed adjustment to the Large Power and Large Power-Time-of-Use tariffs will not represent a significant impact or increase to members taking service under Pioneer’s standard Large Power and Large Power-Time-of-Use tariffs. The proposed adjustment ensures that the minimum monthly bill charge will include billing of the customer charge at the current monthly rate of $50.00. If approved, the tariffs will be effective on September 22, 2021.
Please take notice that the Board of Trustees of Pioneer will meet on September 22, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. at the cooperative headquarters, 1850 W Oklahoma, in Ulysses, to discuss and vote on the adoption of the proposed Large Power and Large Power-Time-of-Use tariff alignment. This meeting is open to any member that wishes to attend. Members have the right under K.S.A. 66-104d (g) to request Kansas Corporation Commission review of any rate change.
If you have any questions please attend the meeting on September 22, 2021 or contact our office at 620-356-1211 or 1-800-794-9302. You may obtain a complete summary of the proposed rider at Pioneer Electric’s office or by visiting