Pioneer Electric members are invited to join us at the Grant County Civic Center on Thursday, Sept. 14, for the 79th Pioneer Electric Annual Meeting.
Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. in the South Room. Members should enter through the former Civic Center Office door. Signage will be in place to direct members.
Members who did not submit a mail-in ballot must register to vote at the meeting. Members who have already voted by mail-in ballot can visit registration to receive their annual report and attendance gift.
Once registered, members can take part in a FREE meal and find a seat inside the auditorium where the business meeting will begin at 6 p.m.
Trustee Elections
Each year, members are appointed to serve on the committee on nominations. This committee, acting as the voice of the members, is tasked with selecting candidates they believe would make qualified trustees. Those nominated to the ballot must reside in the district they wish to serve and meet the qualifications outlined in the cooperative’s bylaws.
Candidates selected by the committee on nominations are placed on the trustee ballot for election at the cooperative’s annual meeting.
Casting Your Vote
Each member is entitled to one vote on each matter presented on the annual meeting ballot. Pioneer Electric members may cast their ballot one of two ways:
- Vote by mail.
- Vote in person at the annual meeting.
Members who opt to submit a mail-in ballot will not be permitted to vote in person at the annual meeting, but are still encouraged to attend.
Vote by Mail
Members received a mail-in ballot attached to their annual meeting notice in August. Ballots cast by mail must be returned to Pioneer Electric’s office properly sealed, no later than Sept. 9 to be considered valid. Instructions on returning your mail-in ballot are included with the annual meeting notice and below.
Commercial members must include a signed resolution (attached to notice) inside their privacy envelope with their ballot.
Returning Your Mail-In Ballot
Step 1: Cast your ballot
Members of Pioneer Electric are entitled to one vote on each matter submitted on the ballot. Please mark your selections clearly.
Step 2: Seal Your Ballot
Once you have made your selections, insert your ballot into the provided privacy (smaller) envelope. Insert the privacy envelope into the provided return mail envelope. Your return envelope MUST include your name, address and account number. Any envelopes lacking an account number will be spoiled.
Step 3: Return Your Ballot
Please return your ballot using the envelopes provided. Ballots must be sealed in the PRIVACY ENVELOPE. Your privacy envelope must be sealed in the RETURN ENVELOPE and received by our office no later than Sept. 9, 2023.
Voting at the Annual Meeting
In-person voting will be available at the annual meeting on Sept. 14 at registration. A marked ballot box will be available for members to place their ballots in once they have finished voting.