Sunflower Electric Issues Energy Cost Adjustment Pass Through Credit

A wholesale power cost adjustment will be included in the Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA) calculation for members’ bills received in July, August, and September. Applying the wholesale power cost adjustment to Pioneer Electric’s power cost will result in a decrease in the ECA charge in members’ bills. Please note that while the wholesale power cost adjustment reduces Pioneer’s power cost and is being passed on to members, it may not result in a credit ECA on your bill. This is a direct benefit of Pioneer Electric and Sunflower Electric Power Corporation’s efforts to ensure our members receive power at the lowest possible rate.

Why is Pioneer Electric applying this credit to the ECA?

Pioneer Electric and Sunflower Electric, its generation and transmission (G&T) company, are not-for-profit cooperatives. Sunflower budgets annually for the load capacity it expects will be needed. Like all budgets, this can fluctuate. As the result of Sunflower’s power cost being less than budgeted, Sunflower is giving a wholesale power cost credit to Pioneer Electric. As a not-for-profit cooperative, Pioneer Electric will pass on this credit to its members.

What determines the ECA?

Pioneer Electric’s Energy Cost Adjustment (ECA) is determined by the cost of purchasing power from Sunflower Electric. Factors such as weather conditions, energy demand, and market conditions can affect the cost of purchased power.

When will this be reflected on my bill?

The wholesale power cost adjustment will be included in the ECA calculation for bills received in July, August and September.

Notice of Energy Delivery Charge/Demand Charge Increase

After reviewing the cost to provide electrical service to members and the existing retail rates, the Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board of Trustees has authorized management to present the following rate adjustments to members. The adjustments will cover operating costs, ensure reliable service and make debt service payments of the cooperative. For the impacted rate schedules, these adjustments represent an overall average increase of approximately 3%, with adjustments to the Energy Delivery Charge/Demand Charge. The increase was approved at the Feb. 27 Board of Trustees meeting and went into effect March 1, 2024. Members will see the adjustment on their April 2024 billings.

Campbell, Scott announced as Pioneer Electric CEO, Assistant CEO

The Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees voted to instate Lindsay Campbell and Chantry Scott in their respective roles as CEO and Assistant CEO of Pioneer Electric. The announcement follows the news of former Pioneer Electric CEO Steve Epperson being selected as president and CEO of Sunflower Electric Power Corporation (Sunflower) beginning immediately. Epperson has served as Interim CEO of Sunflower since the summer of 2023.

“Our congratulations to Steve,” said Campbell. “We thank him for his years of dedication to Pioneer Electric and its members; we know he will lead Sunflower with the same commitment to service demonstrated within our cooperative.”

Campbell and Scott have served in their roles over the past months and look forward to continuing their work.

“We are going to continue serving our members with the same dedication to provide reliable and safe power,” said Campbell. “I look forward to stepping into this role and being a part of the future at Pioneer Electric.”