Meet Board of Trustee Dist. 1 Representative, Lori Deyoe

As a cooperative, Pioneer Electric believes in providing its members with safe, reliable and affordable energy. Each decision the cooperative’s Board of Trustees makes bears this mission in mind. Newly elected trustee Lori Deyoe looks forward to bringing a unique and dynamic perspective to the board as it continues to grow and strengthen the cooperative for its members.


“A safe and reliable power supply is crucial in ensuring the future of rural America,” said Deyoe. “It’s the lifeblood of our community.”


Deyoe has an extensive background in community service. She has participated in various community boards and committees including the Grant County Community Foundation, Grant County Extension Council, Grant County Home Products Committee and others. She is a member of the Dexter D. Harbour Post 79 Legion Auxiliary and a 4-H club leader.


Deyoe’s agriculture roots extend beyond community service. She and her husband, Matt, run a SimAngus cow herd and follow their children, Baylor and Teagan, around the country showing cattle. Deyoe is also an employee of Skyland Grain and farms with her parents.


Deyoe plans to be an open ear to the membership in her new role as a cooperative trustee, stating, “I always plan to be available to listen to the members while striving to understand their changing needs.”


More information about the roles and responsibilities of a cooperative trustee and a list of current trustees can be found on Pioneer Electric’s website (

Hauser Resigns From Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees

Pioneer Electric has accepted the resignation of Marieta Hauser from the cooperative’s Board of Trustees, effective October 25, 2023.

Upon her resignation, Hauser stated her appreciation for the opportunity to serve the Cooperative’s members.

 “I was truly shocked and unprepared to be elected to the Board of Trustees,” said Hauser. “After I was elected, I planned to be the best trustee I could be. Upon realizing the normal meeting dates of the Pioneer Electric Board conflicted with another board that I have served on for a number of years, I tried diligently to find a way to make it work to continue to serve the members of Pioneer Electric, who elected me to the position. As it turns out, I was unable to find a resolution.”

Hauser went on to express her appreciation for the Pioneer Electric board.

“We are in the midst of massive change in the energy industry,” stated Hauser. “The Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees has a heavy load figuring out how to best meet that change. I wish them the very best as they take on that task.”

“We thank Marieta for her service to the Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees and wish her the best in her future endeavors,” said Mike Brewer, Board of Trustees President. “The board will work diligently to ensure we find a suitable replacement.”

Pioneer Electric will begin the process of appointing a replacement. The cooperative is committed to maintaining its mission of providing members with world-class service and maintaining the high standards that it represents throughout the appointment process.

For more information regarding the upcoming board appointment process and the role of a cooperative trustee, visit the Cooperative Trustees section of our website.

Deyoe and Hauser Elected To Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees

Pioneer Electric Cooperative’s 79th Annual Meeting was held on Sept. 14 in the Grant County Civic and concluded with the board of trustees election. Members voted to elect: incumbent Michael Brewer (District 2) and nominees Lori B. Deyoe (District 1) and Marieta A. Hauser (District 7).

“Our board of trustees act as the collective voice of our membership,” said Lindsay Campbell, Pioneer Electric Interim CEO. “We welcome Lori and Marieta and look forward to working with them in continuation of providing safe, reliable and sustainable service to our members.”

Cooperative trustees oversee the policies and bylaws of the cooperative, represent the membership and serve as ambassadors of the cooperative’s viewpoints, objectives, programs and service. Candidates for the board of trustees election are selected annually by a selected group of members, known as the committee of nominations.

Candidates for the board of trustees are voted on by the membership through mail-in or in person balloting. Districts rotate on a three-year election term.

More information regarding Pioneer Electric’s Board of Trustees, the election process and a list of current Trustees is available here.