Thank you to all of our members who worked to conserve energy this week. We are no longer in an Energy Emergency Alert of any level.
Even without an emergency alert, it remains important that members continue to conserve energy to their best ability. This will aid in keeping the entire 14-state system in balance until temperatures and the price of natural gas normalize. Market prices for electricity remain high. Conservation efforts can help reduce your cost of electricity. We don’t expect these conditions to last a long period of time.
Conservation efforts can be as simple as remembering to turn off lights or unplug electronics when not in use and avoiding energy-hungry chores such as laundry or running the dishwasher during peak energy use times (7 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.).
At this time, we don’t know how this event will affect members’ bills. Once we understand the total impact, we will work to inform our members.