Casting Your 2024 Mail-In Ballot

Pioneer Electric’s Annual Meeting is just around the corner and with it comes the opportunity for members’ voices to be heard. Pioneer Electric’s members are entitled to vote for each matter listed on their ballot, including the selection of their representation on the Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees. Districts up for election in 2024 are District 3, District 4 and District 8.

Marking Your Ballot

Casting a mail-in ballot is a convenient voting method available to all Pioneer Electric members, but is not required. An in-person ballot will be provided to members who wish to vote in person at the annual meeting.

Members unable to attend the meeting or who would prefer to vote before the event, can mark and return their ballot using the two-envelope system.

The annual meeting notice and mail-in ballot will be mailed to members in August. Members can then mark their ballot and tear along the perforated lines. Note: Be sure to make a selection for each district and follow the included instructions.

Seal and Return Your Ballot

Once the ballot has been marked, place it into the envelope marked Ballot Privacy Envelope and seal. Place the ballot privacy envelope into the return mail envelope, seal and return to Pioneer Electric’s headquarters by mail or drop off no later than Aug. 29, 2024. Remember:

Mail-in ballots must be sealed within both envelopes to be considered valid.

Return envelopes MUST include the member’s name, address and account number. A space is provided on the back of the envelope. Envelopes lacking an account number will not be counted.

Do not include bill payments with your mail-in ballot.


Members with questions regarding mail-in balloting are encouraged to contact our office during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) by calling 620-356-1211 or stop by 1850 W. Oklahoma Avenue in Ulysses.