Alexander Retires From Board of Trustees

We often talk of the importance the Pioneer Electric Board of Trustees holds for our members. As our governing body, the board makes decisions that impact all members – be it a large industrial operation or the family at the end of the line. It takes work, patience, and understanding to sit in the role of Cooperative Trustee. Over the course of his 39-year career as District 4 representative, Alfred Alexander has been instrumental in helping Pioneer Electric serve its members. September marked his official retirement from the cooperative.

“The main thing is to keep the power on for everyone and keep everyone satisfied,” said Alexander. “It’s quite the job.”

Alexander first heard of the opportunity to serve on the cooperative’s board when the position was recommended to him by a former trustee. Knowing some of the members on the board at the time, he felt the opportunity was a good way to serve his community.

While serving as a cooperative trustee, Alexander has witnessed the power of good leadership and the impact it has on the cooperative.

“You need a good general manager. If you don’t have that, the whole thing falls apart,” said Alexander. “A general manager brings good employees together to accomplish our goal of serving the members and providing them with quality service.”

In his time on the board, Alexander has seen the construction of the current headquarters office in Ulysses, received his Credentialed Cooperative Director Certificate from NRECA and been a member of the Pioneer Electric Area Roundup (PEAR) board.

“Through the PEAR program, members have the opportunity to round up their bill to the next dollar each month,” said Alexander. “The funds generated from those who round up their bill is this available to help those in our communities who may have a financial need.”

Alexander believes that over the last 60-70 years, accessible electricity has been one of the greatest benefits to our country and is grateful to have been a part of it.

“Mel Winger, who served on the board with me for many years, once said that the most important job he ever had was bringing electricity to southwest Kansas,” said Alexander. “I couldn’t agree more. Electricity is one of the greatest things people have. You don’t think much about it until something happens and it’s gone.”

Alexander appreciates the time he has had to serve as a cooperative trustee.

“It has been great to be a part of this team and to serve all of the members,” said Alexander. “I have truly been blessed to be on the Board of Trustees.”