The Pioneer Electric Cooperative, Inc. (“Pioneer Electric” or “Cooperative”) Board of Trustees (“Board”) propose the following changes to the cooperative’s bylaws. The changes will be voted upon at the annual meeting of Pioneer Electric on Sept. 3. Members will have the ability to vote on the proposal via a mail-in ballot which will be sent to members in August. A full description of the proposed bylaw changes can be found in the “red-lined” version below. Members may direct questions to Pioneer Electric’s staff by calling 620-356-1211.

Proposal Summary:

Inclusion of Electronic Balloting: Under the current bylaws, members have the option of voting by mail-in ballot or in person. The proposed changes would allow for a third option – electronic voting.

SUMMARY OF THE CHANGE: Updating members’ voting options provides the opportunity for members to cast their votes in a way that they feel best fits their needs. Additionally, it allows Pioneer Electric to conduct vital elections and other proposed business during crises that would prevent the Pioneer Electric Annual Meeting, or other business meetings, from occurring.

Removal of Committee on Nominations and Move to Nomination By Petition: Currently, incumbents and nominees for the Board of Trustees are selected by a group of members known as the Committee on Nominations. This group consists of no less than seven members from each district in which a trustee is to be elected. The committee is responsible for selecting nominees for the Board of Trustees election. The proposed change would remove the committee of nominations and move to nomination by petition only.

SUMMARY OF THE CHANGE: Under this proposed bylaw, any person, incumbent or potential nominee, interested in running for a Board of Trustees seat would need to acquire 25 or more signatures of members who maintain their primary membership for a trustee candidate position. No member (incumbent or nominee) may be elected unless nominated in this way. Should only one candidate for the district be nominated, the candidate will be deemed elected. Members will still have the opportunity to vote on the other Trustee elections listed on the ballot.

Board Seat Vacancies: The Pioneer Electric board proposes amending the current bylaw that governs board seat vacancies. The proposed changes clarify the process of filling a vacant board seat. The bylaw states that board vacancy caused by the removal of a trustee by the members shall be filled by the affirmative vote of the remaining board members.

SUMMARY OF THE CHANGE: This change outlines the process of filling a vacancy on the board for any reason (retirement, death, moving to a new district) other than the removal by members. The remaining member of the board may appoint and vote for by affirmative vote a qualified candidate to fill the vacancy.

Proposed Bylaw Redline