The Community Health Fair (previously held in conjunction with Pioneer Electric and Pioneer Communications’ annual meetings) will be held on Oct. 26, 2024 at the Grant County Civic Center from 7 a.m. – 11 a.m. The free event is a joint effort between Pioneer Electric, Women of Purpose, Pioneer Communications, CommonSpirit Bob Wilson Memorial Hospital and the Grant County Health Department.
The 2024 Community Health Fair will offer free general chemistry blood profiling, cancer screenings, blood pressure checks, take-home colorectal screening tests, HPV vaccines, blood pressure checks, and much more. Tests for men’s PSA (prostate-specific antigen), A1C (glucose), and Thyroid (THS) are available at an additional cost of $15 per test.
Patients may pre-register for the general chemistry blood profiling online. Pre-registration is open Sept. 9 – Oct. 11, 2024.
Pre-register by following these steps:
- Visit www.pickatime.com/ulyhealthfair
- Create your account using your own email address* and a unique 4-digit pin
- Complete the online form
Your results will be emailed to you using the email address you provide. Pre-registration is only available for general chemistry blood profiling. Registration for cancer and health screenings must be done at the event.
Register at the Event
Patients may still register in person at the event on the morning of Oct. 26, 2024.
Register at the event by following these steps:
- Arrive at registration in the Lawson Room of the civic center.
- Register for the tests you wish to participate in (general chemistry blood profiling, health screenings, cancer screenings).
- Enter the Walker Auditorium for general chemistry blood profiling or the South Room for additional screenings.
*Each pre-registrant MUST use their own email address. The same address cannot be used for multiple registrants.
Receiving Your Results
Results from the general chemistry blood profiling will be available via Preventative Health Now’s web portal. Each attendee will need to provide a unique email address and 4-digit pin at registration. The same email address cannot be shared with any other attendees. Once results are ready to view, a notice will be emailed to the attendee with instructions to view their results. Attendees will need the email address and pin they provided at registration to view their results.
Those who pre-register will use the same email address and pin they used to set up their pre-registration account to view their results.
The results of the cancer screenings will be mailed to the patient. An envelope will be provided at registration for attendees to address.
What Will Be Available at The Community Health Fair?
The 2024 Community Health Fair will offer free general chemistry blood profiling, cancer screenings, take-home colorectal screening tests, HPV vaccines, blood pressure checks, and much more.
Free General Chemistry Blood Profiling will include:
Chemistry Panel: Provides information about your general state of health including cholesterol/lipids, liver functions, kidney functions, electrolytes, nutrition, iron, and glucose/diabetes:
- Cholesterol
- HDL &LDL (HDL/Chol)
- Triglyceride
- Glucose
- Calcium
- Total Protein
- Total Bilirubin
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
- Uric Acid
- Sodium – Chloride
- Inorganic Phosphorus
- Magnesium
- Direct Bilirubin
- Gamma-GT
- Iron – Potassium
- Albumin
- Creatinine (BUN/Creatinine ratio)
Complete Blood Count: Provides information about the cells in your blood and is used to check for disorders such as anemia, infections and other diseases:
- White Blood Cells
- Hemoglobin
- Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
- Platelets
- Red Blood Cells
- Hematocrit calculation
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
- Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)
Additional Available Testing:
- Men’s PSA (prostrate-specific antigen) – $15
- A1C (glucose) – $15
- TSH (thyroid) – $15
Free Cancer Screenings
- Clinical Breast Exams
- Skin Screenings
- Lung Screenings
- Oral Cancer Screenings
- Pap Tests
- **Blood Pressure Checks
- *Colorectal Screening Take Home Kits
*Located at the Cologuard Booth.
**Located at the Grant County Health Department Booth.
Health Care Professionals and Booths
- Immunize KS Coalition
- Promotoras De Salud
- Impact Ulysses
- Russel Childhood Development Center
- Prairie Vista Dental
- K-state Radon Program
- Compass Behavioral Health
- Grant County Health Dept.
- Miss Align Family Chiropractic
- Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging
- BWMH – Common Spirit
- Cologuard
- Sunflower Health Plan
- Ginger’s Hope
- Alzheimer’s Association
- Morton County Community Coalition
- Scott County Hospital
- Southwest Health Transport